The PEB certification
The PEB certification (Energy Performance of Buildings which is PEB in french) is overall assessment of the energy performance of building & which is performed according to specific calculation method.
European Directive 2010/31 / EU of May 19, 2010 on energy performance of buildings requires member states to set up EPB certification system.
Sales or rental advertisements have to specify the energy performance of the buildings which is written on the PEB certificate, so that prospective buyers or renters are able to compare the energy performance of buildings on the selling or rental market.
When do we need PEB certificate?
The PEB certificate is mandatory only in the case of sale or rental of residential buildings. The PEB certificate has to be performed BEFORE the sale or rental, in order to be compliant with the regulation related to building advertising.
Which kind of building does it require a PEB certificate?
Today, only EXISTING RESIDENTIAL buildings (single-family houses, apartments & houses or flat in co-ownership) are certified. The EXISTING buildings are those for which the date of the receipt acknowledgment of the first application for building permission is PRIOR to May 1, 2010.

There is one exception: when the building is acquired for demolition. In this case, the acknowledgment of receipt of the demolition permit request must be attached to the sale agreement.
On the other hand, the certification of NEW RESIDENTIAL buildings (having a date AFTER May 1, 2010) is carried out at the end of the PEB construction procedure by an approved PEB manager (and not an approved PEB certifier as for PEB certification).

Why do you trust A.C. Audit to carry out PEB certificates?
PEB certificates in Wallonia must be carried out by PEB certifiers approved by the Walloon Region. A.C. Audit has been approved by the Walloon Region (approval number: CERTIF-P2-00900) since 2011. A.C. Audit has over several years of experience in the field of PEB certification.
In addition, for more comfort for our customers, A.C. Audit is able to provide you with a complete service: electrical control ,PEB certificate and gas connection . Indeed, these services are often required when selling real estate. In addition, an order from several of our services gives you a price discount and you will save time: we will be your only contact.
In addition, A.C. Auditis a quality, professional and responsive service. Indeed, you can order our services very simply and quickly through our online services to request a quote or place an order or by phone: +32.478.36.12.13 or through our other contact details .Then, we will fix an appointment directly.
After our visit and our calculations, your payment, your PEB certificate, your electrical control report or gas connection will be sent to you either by email or by post or either to your notary or real estate agent according to your best convenience.
A.C. Audit is also more transparency on your orders. In fact, through your customer area , you can follow the progress of your order, download your PEB certificates and your invoices. If your documents are lost, you will have no longer to worry: you will also be able to download them through your customer area .
How much is price of PEB certificate ?
Price depends on the type of property (studio, apartment, house, etc.) to be certified and the level of urgency. Price is also impacted if order is coupled with an electrical control or a gas connection. In this case, you will benefit a discount for a group order.
In order to know the price relating to your needs, I invite you to visit our page“request a quote” or contact us by phone: +32.478.36.12.13 or through our other contact details .
How long is the PEB certificate valid for?
10 years maximum.
This has several consequences:
- If a new PEB certificate is produced, then the previous PEB certificate is no longer valid and is replaced by the new one.
- If work subject to an urban building permit (extension, reconstruction, renovation, etc.) is carried out, then the previous certificate is no longer valid and must be replaced by a new certificate.
- If other works are carried out, then the PEB certificate and should or can be valued via a new certificate in the event of sale or rental insofar as the works may have had an impact on energy performance of the building (its insulation, the yields of its installations, etc).
What is PEB certification?
P.E.B. (Energy Performance of Buildings) is a classification system for the energy performance of existing residential buildings. It describes their energy performance under standardized conditions of use and climate, by using numerical or alphabetical indicators as shown in picture below. This classification system is substantially comparable to the existing energy label for household equipments.

Why a PEB certification?
PEB certification meets various objectives.
The PEB certificate allows prospective buyers or renter to be able to compare buildings in an objective way from an energy point of view.
Take an example: A renter has the choice between two apartments of similar size rented at the same price. The first has an energy certificate with A label while the second has G label. The renter will have every interest in choosing the 1st apartment: their monthly energy cost will be significantly lower!
The other objective is to respond to legal European requirements which are consequences of the Kyoto protocol. In fact, each member state of the European Union has to put in place measures to improve the energy performance of buildings in order to minimize carbon dioxide emissions. The energy performance of buildings or “PEB” concerns technical requirements which guarantee lower energy consumption: level of thermal insulation, performance of the heating installation, ventilation, solar energy.
Comment lire son certificat PEB ?
Voici les informations que l’on retrouve dans le certificat PEB :

Ci-dessus, ce sont les explications de la première page du certificat PEB . Ensuite, les pages suivantes sont des pistes d’améliorations du bâtiment certifié ainsi que différentes définitions permettant de comprendre le certificat. Pour plus d’informations, je vous conseille ce lien :
Par ailleurs, j’aimerais attirer l’attention sur le fait qu’il existe aussi d’autres types de documents décrivant les performances énergétiques des bâtiments tels que le dossier PEB. Celui n’est pas à confondre avec la certification PEB qui s’adresse quant à elle qu’aux bâtiments résidentiels existants tandis que le dossier PEB s’adresse à des bâtiments (résidentiels, horeca, industriel, commerce, hôpitaux, bureaux…) pour lesquels les travaux de construction, de reconstruction ou de transformation nécessitent l’obtention d’un permis d’urbanisme.
Qu’est-ce que le certificat PEB partiel?
Seuls les logements desservis par des installations collectives (chaudière communes, production d’eau chaude commune, ventilation commune,…) sont concernés par le rapport partiel.
Le rapport partiel décrit la ou les installations collectives qui alimentent un ou plusieurs immeubles comprenant des logements. C’est un document complémentaire indispensable pour établir le certificat PEB de tout logement bénéficiant de ces installations.
Le rapport partiel est également réalisé par un certificateur PEB agréé.
Les associations de copropriété sont tenues de mettre gratuitement le rapport partiel à disposition de tout propriétaire ou titulaire de droit réel d’un logement desservi par les installations collectives.
Les frais liés à l’élaboration du certificat PEB partiel sont à la charge de la copropriété.

How is PEB certification carried out?
This energy certification is carried out using a calculation method following a protocol defined by the Walloon Region. This protocol therefore guarantees the same method similar to all PEB certifiers. It involves a statement of the characteristics of the building related to the insulation and to the energy systems (heating, domestic hot water, ventilation, auxiliaries, solar energy systems, …).

Then, a calculation must be made in order to know the heated floor area, the protected volume (All of the volume of all the spaces in the building that we wanted to protect from a thermal point of view (i.e. heat loss), the external environment (air or water), the ground and all adjacent spaces that are not part of a protected volume), heat loss surfaces.
Once the data has been collected or calculated, it is encoded and compiled in software from the Walloon region in order to determine the energy class of the building to be certified.
Thus, a certificate expressing the energy performance of the building is obtained and issued to customers.
Comment préparez la visite du certificateur PEB chez vous ?
Si vous en avez la possibilité, avant la visite du certificateur PEB, nous vous conseillons de préparer les documents dans la liste ci-dessous. Ces documents sont des preuves acceptables imposées par le protocole de collecte de données établi par la Région Wallonne. Plus vous aurez la possibilité de réunir un maximum de ces informations, plus le résultat de votre certificat PEB sera meilleur.
Par ailleurs, il n’est pas toujours possible pour diverses raisons de rassembler tous ces documents. Dans ce cas, cela n’empêchera pas d’établir un certificat PEB malgré tout.
Documents utiles pouvant être mis à disposition du certificateur :
- les plans de l’habitation, si le propriétaire en dispose
Documents pouvant être mis à disposition du certificateur et être pris en compte comme preuves acceptables :
- une déclaration PEB relative au logement lui-même
- un certificat de performance énergétique antérieur relatif au logement lui-même
- un certificat de performance énergétique établi pour un autre logement du même immeuble construit simultanément par le même maître de l’ouvrage au cours d’un même chantier et dont les façades ont les mêmes apparences constructives
- un certificat de performance énergétique établi pour un autre logement faisant partie du même groupe de bâtiments construits simultanément par le même maître de l’ouvrage au cours d’un même chantier et dont les façades ont les mêmes apparences constructives
- une attestation ” Construire avec l’énergie “, postérieure à 2006, relative au logement lui-même
- une demande acceptée d’une prime de la Région wallonne pour le placement d’isolant
- des documents complets établis dans le cadre d’une demande de réduction d’impôt suite à la réalisation de travaux économiseurs d’énergie (y compris les attestations datées et signées établies par l’entrepreneur enregistré qui a réalisé les travaux)
- un dossier de chantier complet relatif à la construction de l’immeuble comprenant:
- les originaux signés par l’entrepreneur des documents constituant le contrat d’entreprise (contrat d’entreprise, plans, cahier spécial des charges, métrés récapitulatifs et descriptifs) et
- le décompte final de la réalisation des travaux montrant dans quelle mesure le contrat a été respecté avec les factures acquittées pour le montant total
- une attestation de certaines caractéristiques influençant les performances thermiques du bâtiment, signée par l’architecte auteur du projet ayant réalisé les documents contractuels d’entreprise et contrôlé le chantier
- un permis d’urbanisme (uniquement pour montrer la date de réalisation de certains travaux)
- les factures originales acquittées d’un entrepreneur enregistré ayant réalisé des travaux dans l’immeuble à condition que ces travaux soient clairement décrits
- un dossier photographique permettant d’identifier le bâtiment, la paroi concernée, la présence, le type et éventuellement l’épaisseur de l’isolant mis en œuvre ou la présence d’une lame d’air ou encore le type de paroi
- la documentation technique des installations de chauffage réellement présentes
- les données inscrites dans les certificats verts pour déterminer la production de cellules photovoltaïques
Le certificateur tiendra aussi compte des plaques signalétiques présentes sur les appareils de chauffage ou de production d’eau chaude sanitaire.
What are the legal obligations in terms of PEB certification?
ADVERTISEMENTS of real estate sale & rental has to specify the PEB indicators from the PEB certificate of real estate that you want to sale or rent.
The PEB indicators to be specified in the advertisements are from the PEB certificate:
- the unique code (identification number of the PEB certificate)
- total primary energy consumption, in kWh per year
- the specific primary energy consumption, in kWh / m² per year
- the energy class (or “label”)
The PEB certificate has to be communicated to the purchaser (original of the certificate) or to the renter (copy of the certificate) BEFORE signing the sales or rental agreement. The agreement has to mention the completion of this formality.
In the event of a breach in terms of a PEB certificate, there may be certain sanctions:
- the absence of a valid PEB certificate at the time of sale or rental is punishable by a fixed administrative fine in the amount of € 1,000
- failure to comply with the obligation relating to advertising is punishable by a fixed administrative fine of € 500
- failure to comply with the obligation relating to the transmission of the PEB certificate is punishable by a fixed administrative fine of € 500